I am truly baffled by the placement of multiple, infrequently used, very well maintained tennis courts in a community rife with poverty, crime and abandoned property; please see photos below.
I recently talked to citizens of precinct 09K within the historic community of Durkeeville in Jacksonville/Duval County, FL. I visited this community after the recent murder of Mary McAllister less than a week ago.
One concerned citizen questioned the wisdom and display of good judgment, building approximately 10 tennis courts in her neighborhood. I could not agree with her more since those courts could not be used due to locks holding the gates firmly closed.
I further agree with the lady that skill centers, not tennis courts are needed by the community. These skill centers would help children and young adults build skills that would be useful in finding a job/career that would provide a living wage, not a minimum wage.
While I talked to quite a few people in the community, I briefly talked to an elderly woman who by all intents and purposes appeared to be taking care of her grandson, arguably not an uncommon occurrence given the high crime rates in the area. The young boy struck me as being misplaced; he seemed so innocent. Maybe it was that his demeanor and politeness contrasted so much with the rough neighborhood just outside the front door of his grandmother’s dilapidated old house (similar to the one shown here).
1. His grandmother will still be around because it appeared she truly wanted a better future for him given the old National Geographics strewn about on the bookshelf by the front door, and
2. That there will be some in government more in tune with community needs prior to providing future community services.
Feel free to write me, with how you feel at: votegilman@gmail.com
Please read my October, 2009 post entitled, No Silver Bullet, for an update to this post. The post can be found with the following link, http://flcd-3.blogspot.com/2009/10/no-silver-bullet.html