Friday, February 17, 2012

End of Radio Silence

It has been almost a year since I made my last post. Why, you ask? Elementary, my dear Watson, my perceptions of my situation led me to go silent.

As a large number of people can attest to, the last three years have been tough financially.  In 2008 I left behind a steady income to pursue public office. I took on contract work, but I did not foresee nor anticipate the depth of the recent recession.  I also believed (& still do) that I could have beaten my Congresswoman, Corrine Brown, in an election – even as a first timer; however, as we know that was not to be.  Therefore, I reentered the job market two years ago seeking a longer-term, full-time engagement just as the economy bottomed out.  Needless to say, pickings were slim

I eventually found work in an ‘eat what you kill’ or an ‘on the come’ type of business model in an industry that works off a broken business model (people willingly give away their intellectual property for free in hopes that others will eventually give them money).  I nearly starved leading me to start the process a little over a year ago of seeking a more fulfilling engagement. To make myself more appealing to a wider audience I decided that it would be best that I kept my political thoughts to myself.  However, doing so bothered me.

I think we need to encourage and tolerate more political discussion (which also involves education) among each other.  If we were to more widely accept political discourse then I think it is more likely that the silent majority (which I perceive to be - us - the citizens of the US) will take back control of our government from what seems to be an ever increasing influence from well funded special interest groups. I believe the unfunded majority can have their voices heard in Washington if we were to end our collective silence and start listening and talking to each other about what we want from 'OUR' government. Does that not seem reasonable?

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