Friday, November 21, 2014

Stupid Voters Not, Uninformed Voters Yes

Jonathan Gruber, the MIT economist, has received a lot of bad press lately for speaking his mind so freely about our collective knowledge level and subsequent gullibility, which he claimed could be leveraged to make and pass the demonstratively proven poor piece of Federal legislation known as Obamacare (AKA the Affordable Care Act [ACA]).  We should actually thank and praise him for his honesty.

Why do we not value his honesty?  Maybe because it is so offensive?  I hope not.  I hope the contempt we hold is because he made his proclamations behind our backs versus in an open forum. More importantly, we should hold contempt for all those whom embraced his language and did not bring to the fore his observations because if they did then people would have not lost their health insurance, rates may have not continued to increase greater than the rate of inflation, etc....

We are not stupid, just uninformed due to a multitude of reasons, some of which I have written about in the past.  While it is our responsibility to be knowledgeable, we are not omniscient.  We must trust and rely on those whom we charge to act on our behalf.  Trading on that trust for short term gain is what is most offensive about this sordid mess.

I encourage us all to become more involved so we do a better job of electing those that represent us whether in local, state or federal government.

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