Wednesday, April 20, 2016

I Put My Money Where My Mouth Is

I recently put my money where my mouth is by taking an eight-week code immersion course taught by the folks at Tech Talent South. I can now write software code to create web applications, albeit very rudimentary applications. 

I took the course to improve my career given that over a year ago I lost my position as an equity analyst due to a RIF (reduction in force) at the firm for which I worked at that time.  The cutback was disheartening given that I went to management two years prior offering to help discover new means leveraging technology to increase overall revenue, which fell on deaf ears. The one commonality of those that were let go from this RIF was that all sought change to help improve operations, which we got, but not what we sought.  Oh well.

More importantly, I highly encourage you to learn new skills that leverage technology or you may soon find yourself unemployed like I did.

Separately, should we not offer software-coding classes to our children in school as early as kindergarten similar to other language classes we may encourage?