Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Corrine Brown Has Her Day In Court

I have a friend, shocking as it may seem, who once told me that politicians should be limited to two terms, one in office and one in jail.  I could not agree more, especially so, as it pertains to my former opponent, Corrine Brown. 

Ms Brown has been charged with 22 counts attributed to fraud, obstruction and filing false tax returns.   We all await the results of the jury deliberations.  Regardless of the verdict, the case illustrates two sad facts, which are:

  1. It is hard to break free from crime and 
  2. We should expect more from our elected officials, not less as referenced by the aforementioned joke.

In reference to the former stated fact, Ms. Brown, grew up in area known in Jacksonville, FL as the “Northside”, which is an euphemism, code, whatever you want to call it, to paint a  picture that depicts the lives of the residents living in this geographic area as challenging due to a myriad of causes.  The main cause and effect is poverty followed by low literacy rates and higher crime rates that further perpetuates the situation.  Arguably, residents of this community know at least one and possibly many fellow residents that have been affected by crime, whether as a victim or as perpetrator. As a side note, I met many on the campaign trail eight years ago. Regardless, I believe this knowledge of crime and its effects within this community leads to understanding, which leads to tacit acceptance of (& a blind eye to) criminal behavior that I further believe begins in childhood.  Ms. Brown through hard work seemed to have broken free from this cycle of crime, but sadly, she fell back in, which proves the old adage, “you can take a [girl] out of the country, but you cannot take the country out of the [girl].”

In reference to the latter stated fact, I recently saw results of a Gallup survey that showed that the majority of people believe that politicians are corrupt.  Using the same logic in my former argument, if people believe that politicians are corrupt then I contend that these same people expect this behavior whether they acknowledge it or not, which I further contend is tacit acceptance and therefore, it becomes reality as exemplified by the situation in which Corrine Brown finds herself.  I find that unacceptable and so should everyone else.  Moreover, I believe our elected officials should be held accountable for their behavior to at least the same level as ordinary citizens because they are role models. Without the rule of law, anarchy can occur, which is not good for anybody.

Our legacy is what we leave behind when we die is it not? Should we not seek to improve the lives of future generations so that our spirit continues long after we are gone?  Should not every successive generation be the greatest generation? It comes down to what we value is it not?  I value a lot of things such as truth and honest, but germane to this situation, I value the rule of law when someone fails to be honest and commits a crime, how about you?  Hopefully, the jury will see the facts as I see them to convict Corrine Brown on some if not all counts.

1 comment:

  1. Hurray! The jury eventually came to the same conclusion.
