Thursday, February 22, 2018

Human Capital Development, Not More Guns

Today at CPAC, Wayne LaPierre, NRA EVP, doubled down on the gun lobby’s vision for America, more guns.  He did so by advocating for additional security at schools.

If he truly believes that schools need more security then he and the gun lobby should pay for it.

I do not like nor respect Mr. LaPierre and others in the gun lobby seeking to spend my tax dollars on items that do not contribute to human capital development and will more than likely lead to more deaths. We have limited resources and I prefer that we focus on the development of human capital, which should result in improved thinking so we can, for instance, resolve conflicts without force.

I am not naïve.  Force may be needed, but for all intents and purposes, is it not the last resort?

Folks like Wayne LaPierre wrap themselves in the red, white and blue; they talk the talk of supporting our Constitution the Second Amendment, but never truly walked the walked by having signed their name on a piece of paper to defend our Constitution with their own life.  I did.  I served our country as a US Naval Officer when such service was frowned upon. I took my oath seriously and still do.  As such, I feel obligated to invest my time to overcome the rhetoric of those that pimp out the Second Amendment so they can sell more guns, which will most likely result statistically in more deaths, please see Guns = Death.

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