Thursday, July 19, 2018

The KGB Played The NRA

At least one leader and other high-ranking members of the self-proclaimed defender of the Second Amendment (2A), the NRA, were arguably influenced by a Russian intelligence operative as the operative sought ways to undermine our republic, which proves governments can be destroyed without guns and conversely, guns are not always needed to defend ourselves.  What we need is more intellect and improved cognitive thinking skills to protect our freedoms. 

Obviously, Vladimir Putin and his cronies used their intellect in this particular case.  The Russians succeeded because the NRA only cares for Guns, Little more guns, Topped with guns (GLT – similar to a BLT)*.  The NRA's focus on GLT led to some of its high-ranking members to be blinded to the very threat that the NRA purportedly seeks to defend against.

I stand by my assertion that the NRA is a threat to 2A because its leadership's gullibility and culpability in this instance helped enable foreign aggressive agent provocateurs seek ways to undermine our Constitution (i.e. our form of government), which 2A is attached to – as an “amendment”.

* America now has more guns within its borders than there are Americans.

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Who Is America? (2018) | First Look | Sacha Baron Cohen SHOWTIME Series

Sacha Baron Cohen has a new entertainment series, "Who is America?", on Showtime. The episode in the YouTube video below is scaringly hilarious. It is scary because people in power actually believe in what Sacha parodies as it pertains to arming children, which I wrote about five months ago in my blogpost entitled, "Home of the Brave."

Republicans, The Enemy Of The State

Only now, after the debacle in Helsinki, are some Republicans pushing back against Donald J Trump (DJT), but I believe it is too little and too late. John Kasich, Ohio’s Governor, has been the ONLY Republican on the national level to consistently point out the challenges that DJT has created for our country. I view him as a party of one.  He should leave the GOP and start his own, preferably called The Freedom and Responsibility Party because we cannot have one without the other.

Before I proceed I need to point out one thing.  I did not vote for DJT nor did I vote for Hillary Clinton.  I voted for the person I believe that was more qualified to lead our country than anyone else listed on the ballot; I wrote my name in.  Some of you might say that my vote was wasted.  I say, no.  As I saw it then and still today, if the train of DJT did not hit us then the bullet of Hillary Clinton would, both equally bad. DJT became president because people voted AGAINST Hillary hoping for the best.

I can live with people hoping for the best by seeking to shake things up when encountered with two equally disastrous choices.  What I cannot live with are enablers and boot licking sycophants’, which is how I view the Republican Party ex-John Kasich.

There are so many problems with DJT, but the biggest is trust.  He has not earned mine and I think he has not earned that of the majority of Americans for the simple fact that he lies on a repeated basis. I could go on with a laundry list of grievances, but it is immaterial.  With out trust, he cannot lead and with out a leader we are sitting ducks.  The Republicans ex-John Kasich have placed their allegiance to the Party ahead of their allegiance to the country by failing to hold DJT accountable for his actions, but instead support and defend his actions.

Consequently, the Republican Party is not fit to lead.  This November, I encourage you to vote for a third Party or Democratic candidate.