Tuesday, August 28, 2018

An Unstable Mind Became A Killing Mind

The killer (& gun owner) of two fellow gamers participating in a competition in Jacksonville, FL this past Sunday had mental health issues.  That is shocking, is it not?  Despairingly no, but hopefully it is to those who can affect the needed changes.

Most of the recent killers (& gun owners as well) initiating and orchestrating mass shootings have had documented mental health issues, which should not be a surprise.  Hopefully, this killing of fellow humans will shock our elected officials out of their irrational nonsense for allowing this irresponsible behavior to occur.

I should not single out all elected officials, only the ones responsible. The blood is figuratively on the hands of the Republicans who literally used their hands to signal their vote on legislation that allowed people with documented mental health issues to legally obtain weapons of death and destruction.

If you believe deaths such as those this:
  1. Past weekend in Jacksonville, 
  2. Earlier this year in Parkland, FL and 
  3. Almost six years ago in Newtown, CT 
Are unwarranted and destructive to America then I encourage you to act.

You can:
  1. Call your representatives, 
  2. Engage those Republicans that represent others, 
  3. Vote for 3rd party candidates or Democrats in upcoming elections as most Republicans seem unfit and unwilling to lead and 
  4. Reach out to gun owners (as most are responsible) to encourage them to put pressure on their community to encourage the appropriate legislation to promote responsible gun ownership.  
If it helps, I have done all the above.  If I did it, so can you.  More specific to action item #3, today in Florida's primary election, I only voted for those candidates that had no party affiliation or were Democrats.

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