Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Time to Pack the Tent

President Obama was re-elected for another term in office. Fortunately, there are term limits for presidents; too bad there are none for those in Congress, which I plan to rectify, but that is for another day.

The result of this presidential election does not surprise me. While I think the American populace is frustrated with our Federal government and the President’s leadership, obviously a clear majority could not bring themselves to vote for a person arguably without any convictions (beyond their own religious beliefs) and who represents a political party (i.e. The Republican Party) that has arguably lost touch with the majority of people due to policy positions resulting from extremists pushing the moderates/pragmatics from the  Republican ‘tent’ to the detriment of the party and our country.  Not saying I am moderate and or pragmatic, I left the party a little less than two years ago.

Unless things change within its leadership, I believe the Republican Party will go the way of the dodo bird. While the party could change to attract more women and minorities, I believe it will be excruciatingly painful and in the process allow the Democratic Party to grow the government even more. Personally, I do not want to wait nor see a larger federal government; therefore, I seek to hasten the process of packing the Republican ‘tent’, which is why I voted for Gary Johnson and encouraged others to do the same - I probably had the only Gary Johnson yard sign in my county.

While that tent is being pack another party will fill its void.  The Tea Party started to feel the void, but the same extremists that pushed out the moderates/pragmatics out of the Republican tent usurped the Tea Party movement.  While personally I would like to see the rise of the Freedom and Responsibility Party (my idea because you cannot have one without the other) it will most likely be the Libertarian Party that has the best chance.

Sooner the  Republican ‘tent’ is packed and another party (based on a few sound principles) fills the void sooner we can rectify the challenges we encounter.  I ask that you help me pack the tent by supporting a candidate that best suits your beliefs regardless of party affiliation. If you cannot find a candidate then I encourage you to become the candidate.