Wednesday, March 20, 2019

JAX Firefighters Purchase Bulletproof Vests!

This morning I read a news report that Jacksonville Fire & Rescue Department has purchased bulletproof vests, the same kind used by the Sheriff’s Department, to protect its firefighters.

This fact is disturbing to me and should be to you, too, because why do firefighters need bulletproof vests?

Obviously, the world is becoming unsafe.  We have made it unsafe.

Today’s news is anecdotal evidence demonstrating the universal law of cause and effect in action.  Think about – there have been firefighters for as long as there have been fires, yet until now for the most part they did not need to worry about being shot.

It does not have to be this way.  SCOTUS (Supreme Court of The United States) states that our Second Amendment (2A) right has limits, but yet do we have any?  Essentially none.  In America:
  1. Any adult can obtain a gun without verification of any sort if they know where to look and
  2. The gun industry operates under broad immunity so its irresponsible behavior can go unchecked.
As a result of this lack of limits, limits that SCOTUS advocates having, we have as many guns within our borders as people. Something is bound to happen and it does from time to time!

I am doing my part to protect our unalienable rights. Prior to posting this blog entry I called my Republican representatives in Washington and I have also sent them emails.

What are you doing?  More importantly, if you are a gun owner then what are you doing to ensure that everyone’s unalienable rights will not be infringed upon by and from irresponsible gun owners?  Hopefully, you see that more guns is not the answer.  How about limits as SCOTUS points out?  Universal background checks would be a good start.  Call your representative.

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