Sunday, May 20, 2018

Ollie North Don’t You Recall, “I Don’t Like Mondays?”

On Sunday, two days after the ten people were killed by a young man wielding a gun at a high school in Santa Fe, TX, Oliver North, incoming NRA President, demonstrated once again his lack of common sense1 when he stated on Fox News Sunday that this horrific crime was like a “disease…[caused by] a culture of violence” and we must “harden the place [referring to schools] sufficiently, that those kids are safe inside the door.” Upon learning his comments, I immediately recalled the song “I Don’t Like Mondays2 by the Boomtown Rats.  I encourage you to listen to it while you read this post; the link will pop up in a new window.

The song is not about going to work or school; it is about Brenda Spencer, who is still in jail for killing two school age kids at a school and wounding many more from across the street in January 19793. Her actions prove that “hardening” the schools is not the answer; responsible gun ownership is, which leads be to conclude that the disease is the NRA. It promotes a gun "culture" with nary a mention of responsibility that should be required on the part of the owner.  The NRA's reckless behavior is putting our Second Amendment at risk and I am pissed!

The military promotes responsibility, should not we expect and demand that of ordinary citizens? I encourage you to read the Atlantic article entitled, Regulate Weapons Like We Do in the Military, Says an Army Officer.

I just wonder when the states will sue the NRA and the gun manufacturers for the increased costs to “harden” schools and other associated measures. I believe this is a reasonable expectation given that the states sued:
  1. Tobacco companies for the costs associated with treating lung cancer and other illness attributed to smoking and
  2. Drug manufacturers for costs associated with the opioid addiction our country is currently facing.

1. He was a central figure in the Iran-Contra scandal.
2. The song topped the UK charts in 1979 and made it to 73 in the US.  It is a catchy tune, is it not?
3. Forgive me for ruining the song for you if you did not already know the back story.

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