Thursday, November 11, 2021

Thank You For Your Service

 Today is Veteran's Day.  Will you say to a veteran whom you may meet, "thank you for your service?"

As a veteran, I find those words hollow especially coming from a Republican.  I do respond with a thank you, but I go on to say the following:

If you truly appreciate my service and those of my fellow veterans then I kindly ask that you vote Democrat or 3rd Party.  Republicans have embraced and continue to embrace acts of treachery.  Some of those acts led to the assault on our elections a year ago and a physical assault on our government on January 6. Still to this day the Republicans seek to cover up the misdeeds so the liar-in-chief can once again take the presidency.  If that were to occur then I believe it is much more likely that we will lose our government of the people by the people for the people to be replaced by one party rule for the benefit of Trump and his minions.

Republicans are not fit to lead.  

If you are Republican then I encourage you to leave the party.  I left the party ~10 years or more ago.  I have no party affiliation and so can you if you do not like the Democrat platform.  

Friday, October 15, 2021

The GOP Betting Against America

 With its embrace of Donald J Trump (DJT), reluctant or not, the GOP is betting that the majority of Americans are either stupid, morally and ethically corrupt, or both.  I find that bet extremely disturbing on multiple fronts or levels.  It is hard for me to articulate.  

Conversely, should we not seek to be the best and expect the best? Yet the GOP is expecting the worst with its embrace of DJT.

If you read prior posts then you may know that I leave messages with my senators daily.  The above observation was today's message.  I thought it was so good, I called other senators to voice my observation.

I am planting seeds. I realize that most may not grasp what I say, but I hope that they will ponder my words because whether they know it or not, I believe it will resonate with man, like that of a clarion bell.

Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Is The Federalist Society A Friend or Foe?

 Today I sent the following inquiry to the Federalist Society:

I have two requests:

First, I request that the Federalist Society (FS) remove information associated with John C. Eastman from its website.  By showcasing Mr. Eastman with his visage and biographical information, the FS provides him credibility when he deserves none; arguably he should be tried for seditious conspiracy under 18 US Code 2384 based on his documented actions leading up to and on January 6, 2021 when there was an insurrection against our government to keep a well-documented liar in office as our President.  If the latter were to occur, then we would arguably no longer have a government of the people by the people for the people.  We would have had a government of the people by the GOP for the GOP and to some extension the FS.  

Second, I would like to know what the FS is doing to repair the damage caused by some of its members to our government and our elections under the prior administration. Absent any soul searching and remedial action, I am led to believe the FS is not a friend but an enemy (aka foe) of our government.

Friday, April 2, 2021

GOP Remove Your Knee From The Neck Of America

Wow!  Time flies.  I have failed to document my:

  1. Door-to-door surveys conducted January and February of 2020 just prior to the stay-at-home orders due to COVID to learn people’s thoughts on DJT
  2. Door-to-door outreach of homeowners with Trump yard signs prior to the election (i.e. encourage them to take them down, which a couple did)
  3. Door-to-door outreach of homeowners with Trump banners, flags, etc… post the January 6, 2021 insurrection (i.e. encourage them to take them down, which a couple did) and
  4. Daily messages to my two Republican Senators, which I initiated in the Fall of 2020.

In reference to the latter, the following is the message I left today.

Remove your knee from the neck of America [in a slow deep voice]

GOP remove your knee from the neck of America! [A little louder]

This week we learned from the trial of Derek Chauvin that many bystanders pleaded with Derek Chauvin to remove his knee from George Floyd’s neck.

Your unwillingness to confront irresponsible gun use has led to tragic deaths; we now have 3 mass killings in a span of 3 weeks.  Just this week a mother sought to protect her son, yet he died in her arms.  She will carry this horror the rest of her life, which will be a living hell. [I paused at the beginning, used my voice to emphasis the 3 mass killings & strung out "living hell" because it is hell for the survivors, is it not?]

We have pleaded for you to help stop the senseless killings. You are against abortion.  Why are you not against post-birth-abortion?  In this case, 4000 days later.  When you seek to allow people to obtain a gun without any requirements --such as being responsible and ensuring they will respect other’s unalienable right to life, are you not giving them the instrument to perform to what amounts to, a post-birth-abortion[A little crazy on the concept, but I have a little over a minute to make a point that I hope will stick in their brain]

Remove your knee from the neck of America.[in a slow deep voice]

I encourage you to use with your GOP elected representatives wherever they may hold office.