Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Are We Not To Fear White Male Gun Owners?

Another gun owner, a young white man, kills one and injuries a few others. Then a few days later, another gun owner, also a young white male, walks into a college classroom and shoots two dead. Both have undoubtedly sowed seeds of terror within our nation's borders. I refer to John T. Earnest who legally obtained a gun to kill many Jewish people in San Diego CA at the start of Passover and Trystan Andrew Terrell who also legally obtained a gun to kill fellow students at UNCC, respectively.

There is a trend in these mass shootings that have been going on for over 20 years if you have not noticed.  The mass shootings are caused by gun owners who happened to be male and more recently, are for the most part, white and relatively young.

The trend is your friend or in this case our enemy.  The trend tells us, that soon, pre-teens will be doing the shooting.  It is not hard to imagine, the gun industry wants everybody to own a gun regardless of whether they are responsible or not and currently there are enough guns within our borders for each of us to have one.

If you are a white male gun owner then should you not be concerned that you may be thought as evil just like a good number of white people, especially those in the South, who thought black people, especially black men were evil years ago and to some part, still do today?  Hmm.  Something to think about.

While you are thinking, I ask you, are more guns the answer?  How about, better gun laws? How about no gun laws because guns do not kill people?  Seriously, guns do not kill people, but people, demonstratively white male gun owners, kill people. Therefore, we need laws that make it harder for individuals like those mentioned above to violate our unalienable rights.  In other words, there should be fewer gun owners - all the recent killings are proof to that.

If you are a gun owner and more specifically, a while male, are you mad at it me for what I write?  If so, is not your anger misplaced?  Other white males did the killing, should not your anger be directed at them?  Better yet, should not your anger be directed at the laws or lack of laws that enabled them to kill?  Even better still, why not direct your anger to the politicians that voted-for or failed to vote-for laws that would have made it harder for the killings to occur.  If you direct your anger at the politicians should you not stop and look in the mirror to then ask yourself, "what could I do differently so everyone's unalienable rights are better protected?"

Please keep in mind. not everyone is responsible or respectful of others and as such they should not be able to exercise their Second Amendment (2A) right until they can demonstrate that they can undoubtedly met those conditions.  SCOTUS in the ground breaking case, DC vs. Heller, states that our 2A right has limits.  The previously mentioned conditions - responsible and respectful - are the limits we need to ensure yours, your family's and everyone's safety and well-being from a deranged white male gunman.