Saturday, January 18, 2020

Save Donald John Trump or Save Your Soul

The following is the text of the email I sent to Senator Rubio in response to his email pertaining to the Impeachment trial:

Senator Rubio:

Thank you for your letter. It is good to see that in print you take your oath seriously. What matters is that your actions follow.

DJT has stated that he is the “chosen one.” It seems by words and deeds most elected Republicans believe the same.

The impeachment charges are dire.

If indeed DJT is the chosen one then truth is his salvation that can only be determined by ALL the relevant facts. Ignoring and blocking discovery of ALL facts most mean that those that do so believe he is guilty, which will not only taint his reputation, but that of the Grand Ole Party and those that allowed it to happen.

Moreover, I believe those that tout themselves as Christians would want to ensure that the “chosen one” is soundly vindicated. If they can not do that then I contend that DJT is not the chosen one and these believers have violated the 1st Commandment, "Thou shalt have no other gods before me.”

Save DJT or save your soul.  Your choice.

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